Unleashing Potential: Building a Growth Mindset

Tapping into the growth mindset is probably our most frequent theme at Smarten Up—and the stirring of Olympics-themed success stories, as athletes prepare to take the stage in Paris this summer, provides another excuse to play the old tune. How did these incredible, world-record-setting athletes arrive at the pinnacle of success? And how can we encourage students to take up a growth mindset in their day to day work?

Have you ever heard your child (or perhaps yourself!) say, "I'm just not good at math" or "I'm a terrible writer"? These statements reflect a fixed mindset, where intelligence and abilities are seen as set in stone. In this blog post, we'll explore the alternative to a fixed mindset and how educators, parents, and students can work together to unlock its potential.

The Growth Mindset Advantage:

A growth mindset is the belief that intelligence and abilities can be developed through effort, learning, and perseverance. Students with a growth mindset view challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. They're more likely to embrace mistakes as stepping stones to success and bounce back from setbacks with renewed determination. This translates into better academic performance, increased motivation, and a lifelong love of learning, all built on a foundation of resilience.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset in the Classroom

As educators, we can foster a growth mindset by:

  • Focusing on effort: Acknowledge and praise the hard work students put into a task, not just the final outcome. Phrases like "I can see you've been working hard on this problem" or "Your effort is really paying off" encourage a growth mindset.

  • Framing challenges as opportunities: Reframe difficult tasks as "learning opportunities." Encourage students to see mistakes as stepping stones towards mastery.

  • Tracking progress together: Help students to see where their work has paid off in measurable improvements.

  • Celebrating perseverance: Recognize students who overcome difficulties and don't give up easily. Highlight the importance of effort and "grit" in achieving success.

Nurturing Growth at Home

Parents play a crucial role in shaping their child's mindset. Here's how you can contribute:

  • Focus on the process, not just the product: When discussing homework or projects, ask questions about how your child approached the task instead of just focusing on the grade. This helps them value the learning journey and reflect on their work, developing metacognitive skills.

  • Celebrate learning experiences: Nurture curiosity and a willingness to take on new challenges. Encourage your child to explore new interests and embrace learning outside the classroom.

  • Turn setbacks into learning opportunities: When your child faces a setback, talk about what they learned from the experience. Help them reframe ‘failure’ as a chance to try again in a different way.

Empowering Students to Embrace Growth:

Students can actively participate in building a growth mindset by:

  • Setting personal goals: Set challenging but achievable goals and celebrate your progress along the way to them.

  • Seeking help when needed: Recognize that asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

  • Embracing challenges: See difficult tasks not as obstacles but as opportunities to learn and grow your skills.

Building a growth mindset is a collaborative effort. By working together, educators, parents, and students can create a learning environment that fosters resilience, motivation, and a lifelong love of learning. Remember, intelligence is not fixed – it's a journey of exploration and growth. Let's encourage students to embrace the power of "yet" and unlock their true potential!

Why do I have to study (insert subject here)?

We’ve all heard the age-old question, posed by weary students everywhere—most of us have asked it ourselves at some point. Its variations are endless, but generally it goes something like: when will I ever need to know [the Law of Sines, the dates of Napoleon’s conquests, how to identify iambic pentameter, etc, etc…]? How will this help me in the real world?

We get it. It might seem like some subjects aren't directly related to what you want to do "when you grow up." However, all of these unrelated subjects are actually building blocks for what comes next, fostering intellectual curiosity and a lifelong love of learning—and these are qualities that will enrich your life far beyond the walls of academia. Here's how:

  • Sharpen Those Critical Thinking Skills: The modern world throws information at us constantly. A generalist or ‘liberal arts’ education equips you to analyze that information, identify biases, and form your own well-reasoned opinions. These critical thinking skills will be essential for any career path you may choose down the line.

  • Become a Master Communicator: From crafting persuasive arguments to delivering clear presentations, strong communication is key. You might be a born mathematician — but honing your writing and speaking skills in English or History will make you a confident communicator in any setting.

  • Unlocking Hidden Skills: Think of math like a secret code everyone uses. It helps you solve problems, think logically, and even be creative. These skills are useful for anything you want to do, even becoming a musician or fashion designer (measuring fabric, adjusting to different sizing / scales).

  • Becoming a Super-Sleuth: Biology is like detective work for the living world. You learn how things work, from tiny cells to giant ecosystems. These skills can help you understand the world around you, whether you're interested in medicine, sports science, or even becoming a chef.

  • Time Travel for Beginners: History isn't just about memorizing dates. It's about understanding how the past shapes the present and helps us predict the future. These skills can be useful for anything from writing stories (creating believable settings) to running a business (learning from past economic trends).

  • Find Your Passion (or Passions!): Exposure to a variety of subjects can spark unexpected interests. A generalist education allows you to explore different disciplines before choosing a major in college, or even double majoring in seemingly unrelated fields (think history and computer science!).

  • Embrace Creativity and Problem-Solving: Generalist programs encourage creative thinking and innovative problem-solving, skills that are prized by employers across industries.

Maybe the specific facts you learn in class won't be used every day, but the skills you develop will be! Plus, you never know what you might be interested in later. Think of these subjects as giving you a taste of different things, so you can discover your passions. And the truth is, employers are looking for well-rounded individuals with strong critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills – exactly what a generalist education provides. In our rapidly changing world, these adaptable skills will future-proof you for any career path that emerges.

So, give these subjects a chance! You might be surprised at how interesting they can be, and how the skills you learn can help you achieve anything you set your mind to.

The Digital SAT

The SAT has gone digital! As of Spring 2024, the traditional paper-and-pencil format has been replaced with a computer-based exam. This is a big change for students applying to college, and it's natural to have questions. At the same time, several elite schools have announced that they will return to traditional testing requirements after experimenting with a test-optional or no-test policy during COVID. This blog post will break down everything that parents and students need to know about the new digital SAT.

What are the Key Changes?

  • Shorter Test: The digital SAT is faster to take, clocking in at just two hours compared to the three hours of the old format.

  • Fewer Questions: The streamlined test includes 98 questions total, down from 154.

  • Combined Sections: Reading and Writing are now merged into one Reading and Writing section. Math remains a separate section.

  • New Reading/Writing Format: In the past, these sections consisted of long passages with multiple questions per passage; now, each question is entirely separate, with its own shorter block of associated text.

  • Adaptive Testing: The digital SAT uses adaptive questioning, which means the difficulty of the questions adjusts based on your performance.

  • Digital Delivery: You'll take the test on a computer or tablet at a testing center or your school. You can even use your own device if it meets the College Board's specifications (https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/sat).

  • Built-in Calculator (and timer): A built-in Desmos graphing calculator is available for the math section, eliminating the need to bring your own calculator. Another helpful feature is a digital timer students can use to track their pacing.

What Does This Mean for Students?

The digital format offers both advantages and disadvantages for test-takers. Here's a quick breakdown:


  • Reduced Test Anxiety: The shorter test and adaptive questioning can make the digital SAT less stressful—although the newness of the format has added stress for some test-takers.

  • Potentially Faster Scoring: Digital grading may lead to quicker score reporting, although this promise has not yet been borne out in reality.


  • Tech Issues: There's a chance of encountering technical difficulties during the test. Be sure to practice on a similar device beforehand.

  • New Learning Curve: The digital format introduces new question types and navigation. Familiarize yourself with the digital platform before test day.

  • Loss of Paper Advantage: Some students prefer the comfort and control of working on paper.

How to Prepare for the Digital SAT

The College Board offers a variety of resources to help students prepare for the digital SAT, including practice tests, Khan Academy® SAT practice questions, and sample questions on the digital testing platform (https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/sat). Reach out to us if you’re looking for a guide to the test prep process!

The Bottom Line

The digital SAT represents a significant change, but with proper preparation, students can still excel on the exam. By understanding the format, familiarizing yourself with the digital platform, and practicing with digital practice tests, you can approach the digital SAT with confidence.

Power Up by Powering Down: Why Breaks are Essential for Learning

We all know the feeling: slogging through homework, staring at a textbook with blurry eyes, the information just refusing to stick. Students, parents, and teachers alike can get caught in the trap of "pushing through" – but what if the key to better focus and learning lies in the opposite direction: taking breaks?

Recharge Your Brain

Think of your brain like a phone battery. The more you use it, the more drained it gets. Studies show that sustained focus actually diminishes our ability to learn and retain information. Taking short breaks throughout the day, even just a few minutes, allows your brain to recharge and refocus, coming back to the task feeling refreshed and ready to tackle it effectively.

Benefits for Everyone

Here's the good news: breaks aren't just for students!

  • Students: Short breaks can improve focus, memory, and creativity. They can also help reduce stress and prevent burnout.

  • Parents: Are you helping your child with homework? Taking breaks together can make the process more enjoyable and productive for both of you. You have the chance to model an appropriate work rhythm to your children early on in their development, which can help them to manage their time effectively and find the right balance between work and play.

  • Teachers: Schedule short breaks into your lesson plans. This can help students stay engaged and allow you to recharge your own energy levels. It’s also a way to help students get better at the art of task switching, so that they can be more in control of their focus when it’s time to get going.

Break Time Strategies

So how can you make breaks work for you? Here are some tips:

  • Micro-breaks: Every 30-60 minutes, take a short break (5-10 minutes) to get up and move around, stretch, grab a healthy snack, or do some deep breathing exercises. This rhythm has been standardized by the now-classic “pomodoro technique” and its bright red tomato timer.

  • Movement matters: Get your blood flowing with a quick walk around the block, some jumping jacks, or even dancing to your favorite song. What’s good for physical health is also good for mental sharpness.

  • Engage your senses: Especially if you’ve been glued to a screen for work, step outside for some fresh air, listen to calming music, or take a look at something visually stimulating like a puzzle.

  • Socialize (sometimes): Chat with a friend (but avoid getting sidetracked on social media!).

  • Plan your breaks: Schedule them into your day and stick to them! If your breaks are planned, you won’t be as tempted to take unscheduled ones that could derail your work process.

Remember: Taking breaks isn't a sign of weakness – rather, it's a sign of strength and a smart way to maximize your learning potential. So, the next time you feel your focus fading, step away, recharge, and come back ready to conquer your next challenge.

Unleashing Creativity

In our increasingly standardized world, the ability to think creatively stands out as a crucial skill for success. It's not just about painting masterpieces or writing award-winning novels; creativity fuels problem-solving, innovation, and critical thinking across all disciplines. Whether you're a teacher or a parent, nurturing creativity is something we can all prioritize.

Why is creativity important?

  • Enhances learning and memory: Engaging in creative activities makes learning more enjoyable and helps us retain information better. Break away from the usual flashcard routine and find a creative way to study for your next test.

  • Builds confidence and self-expression: Creative exploration allows us to experiment, make mistakes, and discover our unique talents.

  • Prepares for the future: In a rapidly changing world, adaptability and the ability to think outside the box are key to thriving. If AI succeeds in transforming the job market, creative thinking will be all the more valuable, as it’s all the more difficult to replicate.

  • Boosts problem-solving skills: Creative thinking allows us to see problems from different angles and come up with unconventional solutions.

How can we nurture creativity in students?

  • Provide opportunities for open-ended exploration: Encourage activities that let students explore their interests without strict instructions. Scaffolding is important to guide learning, but sometimes a little wiggle room can yield unexpectedly creative results.

  • Embrace "messy" experiences: Allow for experimentation, trial and error, and even failure. Learning from mistakes can be a powerful motivator, so long as we maintain a growth mindset.

  • Value and celebrate individual expression: Encourage students to share their ideas, even if they seem unconventional.

  • Incorporate creative activities across subjects: Don't confine creativity to art classes; find ways to integrate it into math, science, and other subjects.

  • Model creativity yourself: Show students that you value creativity by engaging in your own creative pursuits, big or small.

Tips for parents:

  • Limit screen time that’s focused on consuming, rather than creating, and encourage alternative activities: Provide opportunities for unstructured play, exploration, and hands-on experiences.

  • Offer diverse materials and opportunities: Make art supplies, musical instruments, and other creative tools accessible for those moments when inspiration strikes.

  • Ask open-ended questions: Encourage curiosity and critical thinking by going beyond basic yes/no questions.

  • Provide positive feedback and support for growth: Celebrate efforts and progress, not just perfect results.

  • Connect with creative communities: Participate in art classes, clubs, or workshops together.

Remember, creativity is not a magical talent reserved for a select few. It's a skill that can be nurtured and developed through practice and encouragement. By embracing creativity in our lives and classrooms, we can empower students to become innovative thinkers, problem-solvers, and leaders in the future.

Demystifying Digital Citizenship: Why It Matters and How to Practice it

In today's tech-driven world, being a responsible citizen doesn't just mean knowing your rights and obeying the law — the sort of thing students might learn about in history or civics class, as they delve into America’s founding documents. It also means understanding how to navigate the online world safely, ethically, and productively in ways that the writers of the Constitution never imagined. That's where digital citizenship comes in.

What is digital citizenship?

When experts talk about teaching students to be good “digital citizens,” they’re referring to a set of skills and values that help students become positive and responsible members of the digital community. That means using technology thoughtfully, respectfully, and with an awareness of its impact on yourself and others.

Why is it important?

Increasingly, some growing portion of our lives ‘takes place’ — perhaps an outdated phrase, in the virtual world — on online platforms. This isn’t breaking news, but experts are still reckoning with the positive and negative effects of our virtual existence. The online world holds immense potential for learning, connecting, and expressing ourselves. However, it also comes with risks like cyberbullying, misinformation, and privacy concerns. By practicing good digital citizenship, we can create a safer and more positive online environment for everyone.

Here are some key aspects of digital citizenship:

  • Privacy and security: Understanding how to protect your personal information online and using technology with appropriate caution.

  • Respect and empathy: Treating others online with kindness and consideration, just as you would in person.

  • Critical thinking and digital literacy: Evaluating information online carefully and avoiding the spread of misinformation.

  • Digital rights and responsibilities: Knowing your rights in the digital world and taking responsibility for your online actions.

How can you practice digital citizenship?

  • Think before you post: Consider how your words and actions online might affect others — and how they might affect you in the future.

  • Be respectful: Avoid cyberbullying, hate speech, and online harassment in all its forms. Remember the golden rule: treat others the way you would like to be treated.

  • Protect your privacy: Be mindful of what information you share online and use strong passwords that you regularly change.

  • Be a responsible creator: Cite your sources when sharing information and avoid plagiarism — creativity and scholarship are often collaborative, and there’s no shame in that! But give credit where credit is due. To keep the conversation moving forward we have to acknowledge one another’s contributions.

  • Stand up for others: Report cyberbullying and online harassment you witness.

For parents:

  • Talk to your kids about digital citizenship: Open up a dialogue about their online activities and encourage them to ask questions.

  • Set clear expectations: Establish rules and boundaries for using technology responsibly.

  • Help them develop critical thinking skills: Encourage them to question what they see online and fact-check information.

  • Be a role model: Show your kids how to use technology responsibly and respectfully.

Research Papers: Where to Begin?

The research paper is a rite of passage — and it’s one that repeats itself with increasing levels of complexity and length through the years. It looms large, a blank canvas demanding to be filled with insightful words and groundbreaking arguments. Often this beginning stage is intimidating because of the boundless options for what to pursue. So before you dive headfirst into writer's block, let's tackle the first hurdle: choosing a topic that won't make you tear your hair out.

Fear not, students! Here's your guide to picking a research paper topic that's interesting, manageable, and sets you up for success.

Step 1: Tap into Your Passions, and Follow Your Curiosity

Think about what fires you up. One of my students — a lover of flight simulators and model planes — wrote a fascinating paper on the fallout of Boeing’s flight safety record. Another, whose grandparents had emigrated from China to Australia and on to the United States, explored Australia’s discriminatory 20th century immigration policies. A third started from a Youtube video on forgotten stories of World War II and wound up diving into the mythical Battle of Los Angeles. Start with what genuinely interests you. You'll be more motivated to research and write if you care about the topic.

Step 2: Get Specific (But Not Too Specific)

A topic like "The Impact of Technology" is way too broad. Narrow it down! Focus on a specific aspect of your wider area of interest, like "How Social Media Affects Mental Health in Teenagers" or "The Ethical Dilemmas of Artificial Intelligence." Remember, you can always refine your topic further through your research.

Step 3: Consider the "Research-ability" Factor

Make sure your chosen topic has enough resources available. Check your school library, online databases, and credible websites before settling on a research question. If information is scarce, you might have to broaden your topic or choose another.

Step 4: Check the "Teacher-Friendliness" Meter

Is your topic aligned with the class curriculum and your teacher's expectations? If you're unsure, run your ideas by your teacher early on. Their guidance can save you time and heartache down the line — and they may have useful ideas for where to start your research.

Step 5: Embrace the "Uniqueness" Challenge

While exploring a well-trodden path isn't bad, try to find a unique angle within your chosen topic. Is there a specific case study you can analyze? Can you offer a fresh perspective on a familiar issue? Part of writing a research paper is getting to know what the people who came before you have written about a topic, so that you can add something new to the conversation.

Bonus Tip: Brainstorm Early and Often

Grab a pen and paper (or your favorite digital note-taking app) and jot down everything that comes to mind related to your interests. Cluster similar ideas, discard irrelevant ones, and see what connections emerge. You might be surprised by the hidden gems you uncover!

Remember, choosing a research paper topic is a process, not a destination. Don't be afraid to explore different options, refine your ideas, and seek help from teachers, librarians, or even your classmates. With a little effort and this guide in hand, you'll find a topic that sparks your curiosity and sets you on the path to research paper success.

Now go forth and conquer that blank page!

Conquering a New Language: A Student’s Guide to Foreign Language Success

Learning a new language can be daunting, especially as a busy student. But don't worry, language learning doesn't have to be a chore! For me, learning French unlocked a new world of experiences and friendships, as well as a passion for language learning that continues today. With the right approach and a little dedication, you too can conquer your chosen language and unlock a world of new possibilities.

Here are some tips to help you ace your foreign language journey:

1. Find your "why."

What motivates you to learn this language? Is it to travel to a specific country, connect with family members, or boost your future career prospects? Having a clear goal will keep you motivated when the going gets tough.

2. Embrace the fun.

Traditional language learning can feel dry and monotonous at times. Spice things up by incorporating activities you enjoy! Watch movies and TV shows in your target language, listen to music, play games, or cook recipes from the country you're interested in. Immersing yourself in the culture will make learning more enjoyable and effective.

3. Befriend technology.

The internet is a treasure trove of language learning resources. Take advantage of language learning apps like Duolingo, Memrise, and Babbel to practice on the go. Watch YouTube channels dedicated to language learning, and explore language exchange platforms to connect with native speakers.

4. Don't be afraid to stumble.

Making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. Don't be discouraged if you stumble occasionally. Embrace your mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow. The key is to practice regularly and be persistent in your efforts.

5. Find a language buddy.

Studying with a friend can make the learning process more fun and engaging. Find a classmate who is also interested in learning the same language and practice together. You can quiz each other, role-play conversations, and motivate each other to stay on track.

6. Seek out extra help.

Don't be afraid to ask your teacher or classmates for help if you're struggling with a particular concept. Most teachers are happy to provide extra support and guidance. You can also join language clubs or attend workshops to get additional practice and exposure to the language.

7. Celebrate your progress.

Take the time to acknowledge your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Completing a difficult lesson, mastering a new grammar rule, or having your first conversation in the language are all reasons to celebrate! Recognizing your progress will keep you motivated and help you stay on track.

Remember, learning a new language is a marathon, not a sprint. Be patient with yourself, stay consistent, and most importantly, have fun! With regular, strategic practice, you'll be surprised at how quickly you can progress and unlock the amazing world of foreign languages.

Bonus tips:

  • Set realistic goals and track your progress.

  • Create a study schedule and stick to it.

  • Find a quiet place to study where you can focus without distractions.

  • Reward yourself for reaching milestones.

  • Don't give up!

Goal-Setting for Students

The new year is a time for fresh starts, and what better way to kick things off than by reflecting on where we’re headed? Goals give us direction, motivation, and a sense of accomplishment when we achieve them — and that’s all the more important for students, who are actively engaged in a quest for self-improvement. By taking a moment to think through where they want to focus their efforts or what areas they would like to explore, students can take ownership of their education and development.

Colleges love to see students who have taken the initiative to pursue their own goals and passions, above and beyond the structures that schoolwork naturally provides. Between classes, studying, extracurriculars, and social lives, finding the time and energy to focus on goals can be tough, however — that’s why building a structure to stay accountable to the path you set out is essential.

The SMART method is a simple but powerful framework for setting effective goals. Each letter stands for a key principle. Goals should be:

  • Specific: Be clear and precise about what you want to achieve. Instead of a vague goal like "do better in school," aim for something like "improve my grades in math by 10% this semester."

  • Measurable: How will you know you're making progress? Define concrete markers to track your success, like taking practice tests or keeping a study log.

  • Attainable: Set goals that are challenging but achievable with effort. Don't try to go from failing grades to straight A's overnight. Start small and build momentum.

  • Relevant: Make sure your goals are aligned with your values and interests. Ask yourself why this goal is important to you.

  • Time-bound: Set deadlines for your goals to create a sense of urgency and keep yourself accountable. Break down long-term goals into smaller, achievable milestones.

Not all goals are created equal. Here are a few different types of goals you can set as a student:

  • Academic goals: Improve your grades, master a new subject, win an award, get into your dream college.

  • Personal goals: Develop a new skill, learn a language, get in shape, become more organized, boost your confidence.

  • Social goals: Make new friends, join a club, volunteer in your community, strengthen relationships with loved ones.

  • Creative goals: Write a story, paint a masterpiece, compose a song, learn an instrument, start a blog.

Staying on Track: Tips for Success

Setting goals is half the battle; achieving them is the other half. Here are some tips to help you stay on track:

  • Visualize your success: Imagine yourself achieving your goal and how it will make you feel. This will boost your motivation and keep you focused.

  • Break down big goals into smaller steps: This makes them less daunting and easier to manage.

  • Find an accountability partner: Share your goals with a friend, family member, or teacher who can check in on you and offer support.

  • Celebrate your achievements: Take the time to acknowledge your progress, no matter how small. This will keep you motivated and excited about your goals.

  • Don't be afraid to adjust your goals: As you progress, your circumstances and priorities may change. Be flexible and adjust your goals accordingly.

Remember, goal setting is a journey, not a destination. There will be setbacks and challenges along the way, but don't get discouraged. Keep your eyes on the prize, stay focused, and never give up on your dreams. At Smarten Up we encourage a growth mindset: the belief that with hard work and dedication, you can improve yourself and achieve what you set out to accomplish!

Bonus Tip: Check out these awesome apps and websites that can help you set and track your goals:

  • Goalcast: Get inspired by motivational talks and stories from successful people.

  • Habitica: Turn goal setting into a fun game with RPG elements.

  • Todoist: Organize your tasks and track your progress with this user-friendly app.

  • Evernote: Capture your ideas, organize your notes, and stay on top of your goals.

Let's conquer this year together, one goal at a time!

Fueling Your Brain

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We’ve all been told to eat our vegetables since we were young. And most of us have probably nagged our own kids about it. No one doubts the health benefits of eating a balanced meal with a focus on fresh produce, whole grains, and lean protein. The effect foods have on the health of adults has been studied extensively. However, beyond eating a balanced diet consisting of foods we know are healthy, there has been little research into the effects specific foods have on children’s brains. One such study, conducted in 2019, made some interesting, yet unsurprising, findings. Students who consumed a higher level of sugary, salty snacks (aka, “junk food”) performed worse on standardized tests in ELA and Math. Another study looked into how hydration levels affect student performance. Spoiler alert: students who were better-hydrated (with water only) did better.

Fueling for Test Day

There are a number of foods that are considered “brain fuel.” These foods have been linked to improved concentration, memory, and focus. But regardless of what’s for breakfast on test day, the most important thing is that breakfast happens! When students skip breakfast, claiming they aren’t hungry or their nerves won’t let them keep food down, they are not likely to make it very far into their test without a significant crash in energy, focus, or both. Here are the best foods to eat the night before and/or the morning of:

  • Anything with omega-3 fatty acids like fish, avocado, and nuts;

  • Eggs, which contain vitamins and minerals that not only improve memory in the short term, but also slow long-term cognitive decline later in life;

  • Berries, which contain important antioxidants, crucial for healthy brain function;

  • Oats, also for their antioxidants in the form of Vitamin E;

  • and Dark chocolate. In addition to being delicious, it also contains flavanoids (another type of antioxidant). BUT, it does need to be real dark chocolate (not milk), and only a small amount. No, we do not recommend eating a chocolate bar for breakfast.

Caffeine and the Developing Brain

Many adults rely on caffeine for brain functioning, and caffeine in moderate amounts does have some brain benefits. However, caffeine is a stimulant that has no place in a child’s regular diet. The small amounts found in any foods containing cocoa are fine, but children and adolescents who are still growing should wait a few years before making coffee part of their routine. The increase in heart rate, blood pressure, and anxiety can cause some long-term health problems.

The Bottom Line

Make sure your kids are eating a balanced diet. Limit junk food to special occasions (or bond over making your own together!). Never let them skip breakfast, and include eggs and oats on the menu regularly. Don’t worry too much about small amounts of caffeine in their diet, but don’t let them drink cups of coffee quite yet!